Heavy Duty Lubricants, Detergents and De-scalers

PESCO is an authorized Summit-brand distributor for the country of Iraq, including on-shore and off-shore requirements for specialty compressor lubricants and water-based chemical de-greasers and de-scalers manufactured by Klüber Lubrication NA, LP’s Summit Industrial Products Division in Tyler, Texas USA. Summit is the manufacturer of the turbine and compressor’s mineral oils of a long-life operating period; Summit gas turbine loop oil products can stand over 16000 hours of operating (about two years) which can save the maintenance cost and the down time, Summit detergent products are water base and environment friendly. Summit de-scalers can help to eliminate the blockage inside the heat exchangers, pipes, boilers, de-gasser slug and tanks’ slug, Summit de-scalers can reduce the maintenance cost, time and improve the system downtime.For more information; please visit www.klsummit.com